date UTC freq call comments dxcc country heard by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20240526 14:45 7144.5 DL3YL 57 – Gudrun, FF a.M. DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240526 14:48 7144.5 DL5BL 27 DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240526 14:52 7170.0 IV3ZEW 59 cln cq I Italy DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240530 06:08 7130.0 on4enl 59 ! ON Belgium DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240629 19:28 3955.0 Chinese, DEUTS keine genaue Senderbezeichnu rembrandtius-Dresden/DE 20240704 15:33 739804.5 mx0hjs ! G England xyz-Pottenstein/DE 20240803 16:21 27700.0 Dad690 Dad690 DL Germany ANONYMOS-Munich/DE 20240804 09:36 144211.0 Ol7c OK Czech Republic DB2OO-Langen/DE 20240821 14:24 4625.0 4625 The Buzzer - UVB-76 mmm-Algiers/DZ 20240921 16:15 145681.5 F6HFY 73 ! F France F6HFY-Serres-Castet/FR 20240922 15:21 7200.0 Qc Hello qc-Sainte-Cécile-de-Masham/CA 20240924 06:15 7200.0 13hs3871 guten morgen an alle und 73 13hs3871-Salzwedel/DE 20241002 05:47 7200.0 13hs3871 guten morgen 13hs3871-Salzwedel/DE 20241016 19:45 27729.2 hallo ANONYMOS-Grossoerner/DE 20241024 18:46 6160.0 Radio Gold SP2BOO-Poznan/PL 20241120 16:32 26975.0 OE3LFN ANONYMOS-Waidhofen an der Thaya 20241127 16:21 3660.0 dl4zbx DL Germany -Limburg an der Lahn/DE 20241207 21:06 3660.0 on8sga ON Belgium ANONYMOS-Maasmechelen/BE 20241209 11:05 145803.5 OR4ISS School contact with Poland ! ON Belgium dl9set-Dortmund/DE 20250203 10:45 4625.0 Приём п Я на связи ANONYMOS-Moscow/RU