WebSDR logbook - note that entries can be made by anyone so correctness is not guaranteed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date UTC freq call comments dxcc country heard by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20171002 16:17 27185.0 Pegasus Klaus ::ffff: 20171021 13:39 27025.0 Maulwurf 02 ::ffff: 20171118 08:18 27235.0 GR1NOS Danke an den webmaster ! G England ::ffff: 20171125 10:35 27235.0 FRB001-8 Packet; To POR002 13CB252 20180120 14:50 27365.5 DBT700 ! DL Germany ::ffff: 20180204 16:17 27710.0 14RC000/D65 USB 59+20 13CB252 20180207 13:19 27215.0 Erzincanli ::ffff: 20180218 23:38 27235.0 cb0mtl Packet AFSK1200, Parthenstein ! CE0YEaster Island dmb252 20180227 18:42 27395.0 AN1MAL ! EA Spain ::ffff: 20180303 21:08 27074.9 DBT700 DL Germany ::ffff: 20180304 09:44 27530.0 44kpi002 JJ S7R3-4 Roy1 DIETER 20180304 13:48 27395.0 b27753 ! BY China ::ffff: 20180308 08:55 27115.0 Angerbrücke Danke ::ffff: 20180308 09:02 27115.0 13HN0112 ::ffff: 20180310 19:51 27185.0 Dustin Angerbr Leipzig ::ffff: 20180317 21:12 26875.0 13st02 ::ffff: 20180406 18:12 27395.0 xxxx xxxx ::ffff: 20180414 20:59 27705.1 14cv065 france ::ffff: 20180415 14:17 27395.0 14cv065 french country ::ffff: 20180613 23:56 27405.0 EA3AIG Loc. jn Repeater ASORAPA GROUP ea3ai EA3AIG 20180804 14:18 27440.0 14arc78,auverg forte chaleur! 14arc78 20180817 16:04 27256.0 Hallo Politik HE9KDR 20180904 10:38 27395.0 Elstertal Gartenverein Elstertal 20181028 12:53 27440.0 14cv065 jn16ud 14cv065 20181116 21:24 27394.7 14cv065 ::ffff: 20181219 18:17 27255.4 TW665 Hey :D ! F France smuggle 20190116 06:01 27375.0 13CT1355 ANONYMOS 20190128 18:45 27355.0 ir1aug ! I Italy ir1aug 20190129 08:41 27395.0 Ludwig 8 Lima8 20190210 09:10 27385.0 13DG01 13 DG01 20190222 17:19 26935.0 Star 1/Ulli ANONYMOS 20190304 18:07 145775.0 DF2RE ! DL Germany DeltaGolf3 (JO60QV) 20190304 18:11 145775.0 DO7NE DL Germany DeltaGolf3 (JO60QV) 20190304 18:26 145775.0 DG5HDL DL Germany DeltaGolf3 (JO60QV) 20190311 04:46 144800.0 DB0WOF/10 APRS 55km| >APRSSA,WIDE2-2 DL Germany 13cb252 20190312 16:58 26935.0 Papa Whisky ANONYMOS 20190325 17:45 27395.0 ik7tab The not audio I Italy Ik7tab 20190411 17:45 27396.5 Keiuwe Hallo Peter und ANONYMOS Keiuwe 20190419 16:57 27356.5 mechernich robert 20190424 16:55 27345.0 Portugiesen Kanal 34 LSB ist der Hauskanal Badewann 20190502 15:20 27540.0 fra001 ! FR Reunion 14frb01 20190526 14:02 27555.0 14at049 ANONYMOS 20190612 16:42 26814.9 dad690 DL Germany dad690 20190617 05:42 27530.0 104AT104 Ioarana Olivier 73 de la Polyné 201JY63 20190621 16:42 26933.5 dl4 DL Germany ANONYMOS 20190621 16:44 26935.5 dl4abl DL Germany ANONYMOS 20190718 15:01 26743.0 ja ww ANONYMOS 20190721 17:44 27555.0 14ir210 ANONYMOS 20190818 08:15 27540.0 1AT637 CQ 57+ ! 1A Sov Mil Order of 14DM011 / 72 20190818 08:25 27540.0 14BDL opérateur Philippe dept 31 14DM011 / 72 20190818 08:37 27555.0 104PAT/EU014 op LAURENT 57+ 14DM011 / 72 20190824 19:13 27555.0 34RC213 Troncatreeeeeeeeee Kaba Kaba 20190901 12:19 145726.0 do3geo portabel DL Germany ANONYMOS 20190908 17:32 27355.0 Kanal 35 gepflegte Unterhaltung, sehr gut Badewanne 20190917 16:14 27555.0 13DB002 Rügen Peter ANONYMOS 20190927 18:15 26975.0 13eb48 13ot779 20190927 20:19 27365.5 berndt richtig bernd 20191002 12:19 27365.0 Kenwood Böhlen ::ffff: 20191004 19:02 439462.0 Böblingen ANONYMOS 20191010 10:11 27511.0 Keiuwe Hallo Keiuwe 20191010 10:13 27395.0 Keiuwe Hallo an alle Keiuwe 20191020 14:55 27384.7 13ct1627 13ct1627 20191109 21:10 26875.0 DKE 38 ANONYMOS 20191109 23:35 27395.0 960 mhz odd signal S22-JHU-BB 20191110 10:10 27395.0 13HN261 ANONYMOS 20191117 12:07 27395.0 DG2IC DL Germany ANONYMOS 20191117 13:22 27555.0 31LR4001 31LR001 20191118 19:26 27613.0 100 ANONYMOS 20191122 20:26 27345.0 31LR001 31LR001 20191123 14:22 27395.0 Oh3sm ! OH Finland ANONYMOS 20191123 20:12 27395.0 DF&KPS ANONYMOS 20191124 18:41 144725.0 DG5HDL OV Runde OV S31 DL Germany ANONYMOS 20191130 16:53 26865.2 d f Schakal 71 20191201 14:19 3773.0 35089 ANONYMOS 20191225 14:18 27395.0 b27753 BY China b27753 20191225 20:12 27395.0 b27753 BY China b27753 20191226 15:27 27395.0 b27753 BY China b27753 20191229 16:27 26935.0 13TA002 ANONYMOS 20200114 17:42 439325.0 DQA417 SWL-Kurzwellenhörer ! DL Germany ANONYMOS 20200126 20:26 3566.0 f5law ! F France hbhcw 20200226 09:33 27395.0 CB0MER CH 39 CE0YEaster Island 13HN3010-Wiehl/DE 20200305 21:00 3600.0 Swl59 ! SV Greece ANONYMOS-Valenciennes/FR 20200320 06:55 3536.4 sm6 azz cw survel morgen frederic f6gto-Oullins/FR 20200320 06:56 3536.4 sm5cop also togethers qso fb ! SM Sweden frederic f6gto-Oullins/FR 20200410 19:54 26965.0 Ronby Ughjkkv ANONYMOS-Leipzig/DE 20200425 21:33 27385.0 13TA002 13ta903-Leipzig/DE 20200429 17:01 27399.9 13ta001 20ct357-Lillesand/NO 20200429 17:02 27399.9 20ct357 20ct357-Lillesand/NO 20200503 22:21 27055.0 Fra001 Latoue Copy whiskey bravo 802 on 27. 13WB802-Leipzig/DE 20200513 09:25 3770.0 Oz1kua ! OZ Denmark ANONYMOS-Marslev/DK 20200515 17:25 27394.5 143.625 ISS space station ANONYMOS-São Paulo/BR 20200515 18:57 26975.0 SSB Sachsenrun 13ch-Goppeln/DE 20200603 06:22 27555.0 F-15413 Bernar JN38IT F-15413-Vergaville/FR 20200630 19:21 3715.0 sp5zhj ! SP Poland sp3-Gniezno/PL 20200721 18:21 144763.9 delte lima +49 germany delta lima -Essen/DE 20200721 18:22 144763.9 delta lima germany delta lima -Essen/DE 20200725 15:05 145514.0 144500 top-Borsdorf/DE 20200904 09:29 27245.0 14AT717 GEORGES -Épernay/FR 20201010 21:38 27205.0 13TW121 Nobody-Leipzig/DE 20201011 09:55 3715.1 sq5pex SP Poland ANONYMOS-Bydgoszcz/PL 20201011 09:55 3715.1 sq5pex SP Poland ANONYMOS-Bydgoszcz/PL 20201013 17:38 144762.5 DB0BNA zu leise, schlechtes Signal DL Germany DAC605-Berlin/DE 20201020 07:23 27395.3 13HN135 13HN135 Wolfgang-Berlin/DE 20201020 07:27 27395.3 13HN135 Berlin-Spandau 13HN135 Wolfgang-Berlin/DE 20201024 16:21 26935.0 Trucker66 ! TR Gabon Trucker66-Berlin/DE 20201024 17:11 3709.0 zastava zastava-Grosshartmannsdorf/DE 20201025 15:12 27395.0 zastava Warum zeigt es das Call nicht me zastava-Vienna/AT 20201030 16:14 27245.0 Santana ANONYMOS-Grimma/DE 20201030 22:42 27395.0 Thomas ANONYMOS-Meissen/DE 20201103 19:05 144762.5 DL0BNA 49 DL Germany Manfred-Erlangen/DE 20201105 11:55 439224.1 13rmn009 moin 13rmn009-Bad Kissingen/DE 20201106 18:40 27356.0 Keiuwe 09 Keiuwe09 12345678910111213141516 Keiuwe-Bad Lauchstaedt/DE 20201107 09:25 27145.0 fra001 FR Reunion fra001-Saint-Gaudens/FR 20201107 20:11 27325.0 DG3 DL Germany DG3-Berlin/DE 20201108 14:33 26915.5 Stadizjon folf Keiuwe-Leipzig/DE 20201109 17:49 27245.0 SP3EED ! SP Poland -Chodzież/PL 20201110 12:17 439350.0 BNA-LEI do8gt-Chemnitz/DE 20201110 12:17 439350.0 BNA-LEI do8gt-Chemnitz/DE 20201110 17:35 438928.0 ea7jzx ! EA Spain ANONYMOS-Oviedo/ES 20201118 13:59 27555.0 13DW242 13DW242-Torgau/DE 20201127 23:15 27227.5 DL86MR QSO Chemnitz Stefan DL Germany DL86MR-Waldheim/DE 20201202 02:14 145010.0 Vogtland ANONYMOS-Leipzig/DE 20201227 20:38 144623.2 Keine Ahnung Wenn derjenige spricht, nutzt 13RF716-Leipzig/DE 20201227 20:51 144625.0 Jörg Nutzt mehr als 8 Freq. 13RF716-Leipzig/DE 20201229 17:00 26935.0 11111 ANONYMOS-Dresden/DE 20201229 17:01 26935.0 www hi ANONYMOS-Dresden/DE 20201230 21:37 144550.0 ea7jzx ! EA Spain ANONYMOS-Oviedo/ES 20210101 13:13 438926.1 ds1spu ! HL South Korea ds1spü-Cottbus/DE 20210101 17:49 3682.0 y57 y57-Gera/DE 20210102 19:20 145726.0 Andreas Hat auch dieses 50hz brummen. 13RF716-Leipzig/DE 20210122 13:27 27765.0 DMT775 schöne Seite DL Germany DMT775-Leipzig/DE 20210124 14:07 27245.0 DBE995 DL Germany DBE995-Berlin/DE 20210124 15:44 26942.5 ds1spu ! HL South Korea ds1spü-Cottbus/DE 20210127 17:55 27395.0 holzmichel holzmichel-Berlin/DE 20210128 06:09 27027.6 D1KJ2 holzmichel-Berlin/DE 20210128 17:33 27355.0 Bert Bert ANONYMOS-Cottbus/DE 20210131 18:17 438710.0 dad690 dad690 DL Germany dietmar-Leipzig/DE 20210209 18:44 144762.5 DL0BNA S42 Runde DL Germany Manfred-Erlangen/DE 20210209 19:03 439300.0 do7no S37 Runde QRT DL Germany Manfred-Erlangen/DE 20210209 19:25 144800.0 db0lmm aprs, digipeating DL Germany Manfred-Erlangen/DE 20210209 19:28 144800.0 ok1vp-9 PicoAprs via db0lmm Manfred-Erlangen/DE 20210213 22:15 27131.6 Bert Hallo wie geht es dir ir1aug-Munich/DE 20210213 22:18 27135.0 ir1aug hallo wie es dir I Italy ANONYMOS-Munich/DE 20210213 22:19 27131.6 ANONYMOS Gut dir ir1aug-Munich/DE 20210216 18:28 144725.0 dad690 DL Germany dad690-Leipzig/DE 20210220 11:53 145662.0 Borna01 ! BV Taiwan Dustin (Borna01)-Borna/DE 20210220 18:13 439150.0 ds1spu HL South Korea ds1spü-Spremberg/DE 20210221 16:43 26935.0 Skorpion S7 R4 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20210221 16:53 26935.0 Wechselburg S8 R5 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20210221 17:16 26935.0 Falke01 S9 R5 F France 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20210228 16:45 26935.0 Dustin Borna01 Dustin-Borna/DE 20210308 10:44 27395.0 Adriu3 andrzejbend@wp.pl ! K United States ANONYMOS-Warsaw/PL 20210309 16:34 3773.0 OK1XFJ ! OK Czech Republic OK1XFJ-Prague/CZ 20210311 13:22 14264.5 27600 ANONYMOS-Campinas/BR 20210319 18:37 3660.0 dad690 dad690 ! DL Germany -Leipzig/DE 20210319 21:41 145438.0 2m hallo bernd-Neubrandenburg/DE 20210322 16:55 26935.0 Dad690 DL Germany dad690-Leipzig/DE 20210324 21:16 145438.0 do1zaw feine Sache.. DL Germany dg1rpu-Kleinmachnow/DE 20210327 09:13 3604.2 pi4vrz ! PA Netherlands 13RC110 Dieter-Luetzen/DE 20210329 07:43 7144.0 sp2kac ! SP Poland sp2kac-Gdansk/PL 20210330 04:23 27395.0 CBOMTL WEBSDR Saya suka sekili dengan siara ANONYMOS-Yogyakarta/ID 20210331 14:58 144800.0 OE5SZN Interessant was sich hier tut. ! OE Austria OE5SZN-Vienna/AT 20210409 14:36 145525.0 DL6YRA TEST DL Germany DL6YRA-Leipzig/DE 20210410 10:02 438230.0 DL6YRA DL Germany DL6YRA-Leipzig/DE 20210410 10:06 437176.0 DL6YRA DL Germany DL6YRA-Leipzig/DE 20210413 15:57 27395.0 Sp9sng 5/9 SP Poland ANONYMOS-Warsaw/PL 20210416 16:46 7288.2 EA4AND ! EA Spain ANONYMOS-Madrid/ES 20210418 17:29 26985.0 13CC15 13cc15-Berlin/DE 20210426 19:55 14297.0 lz3nd ! LZ Bulgaria 13RC110 Dieter-Chemnitz/DE 20210502 08:48 14200.5 yt1a ! YU Serbia 13RC110 Dieter-Limbach-Oberfroh 20210509 15:29 27055.0 sportsliner sportsliner-Strausberg/D 20210516 18:14 27395.0 GF39GL29 G England Brazil, RS-Cacapava do Sul/BR 20210518 21:30 145438.0 145438.00 hallo ihr alten lanzer bernd-Neubrandenburg/DE 20210518 21:33 145438.0 hallo hallo lazer bernd-Neubrandenburg/DE 20210519 14:52 6070.0 DARC Ein guter Sender, ich höre in a OE5SZN-Feldkirch/AT 20210519 14:54 6070.0 DARC OE5SZN - Bad Goisern OE5SZN-Feldkirch/AT 20210522 09:42 145775.0 OE3RVT OE Austria HERZ JESU-Vienna/AT 20210602 06:22 27235.0 fra001 FR Reunion FRA001-Saint-Gaudens/FR 20210604 20:58 28240.0 iz8rva/b 10m beacon I Italy mik-Agropoli/IT 20210605 05:36 27395.0 iu1kae I Italy Mike-Bruchsal/DE 20210606 18:39 28525.0 pd9dx ! PA Netherlands 13RC110 Dieter-Burgstaedt/DE 20210609 17:00 28450.0 7X2VFK RADIO CLUB ! 7X Algeria f5mth-Auchel/FR 20210609 17:02 28255.9 C30P BEACON ! C3 Andorra f5mth-Auchel/FR 20210609 17:03 28243.2 F5ZWE BEACON F France f5mth-Auchel/FR 20210614 15:58 3686.0 DG2BRT DL Germany DG2BRT-Annaberg-Buchholz/DE 20210621 11:31 137620.0 vu6 ! VU India VU6-Chennai/IN 20210626 16:24 26938.0 Dad69 DL Germany dad690-Leipzig/DE 20210626 18:36 3690.2 IZ1DG 73 ftom DH1RM from Stuttgart ! I Italy DH1RM-Besigheim/DE 20210626 18:38 3763.0 DO0AO 73 from DH1RM from Stuttgart DL Germany DH1RM-Besigheim/DE 20210628 13:10 7365.0 DG4GAU The operator refers to QRZ.com ! DL Germany DG4GAU-Amtzell/DE 20210704 17:16 26985.0 13CC15 Berliner SSB Runde 13cc15-Berlin/DE 20210705 18:52 27395.0 Cb0mtl Greets ftom Holland CE0YEaster Island ANONYMOS-Hoogezand/NL 20210711 04:49 3722.0 ol7t OK Czech Republic 13RC110 Dieter-Burgstaedt/DE 20210717 15:45 27395.0 none momo-Dietfurt/DE 20210803 05:58 3688.6 DJ3YP 5:55 UTC DL Germany dl1bap-Ibbenbueren/DE 20210803 05:59 3688.6 DJ3YP 5:55 UTC 3688,6 KHz LSB dl1bap DL Germany dl1bap-Ibbenbueren/DE 20210806 14:03 7104.4 iz0220 buongiorno ! I Italy 1at832-Turin/IT 20210810 14:11 439088.2 DL5XK DL Germany DL5XK-Norderstedt/DE 20210818 14:35 438925.0 DL5XK DL Germany DL5XK-Norderstedt/DE 20210821 21:22 145437.6 hallo hallo hamster-Neubrandenburg/DE 20210822 17:44 26985.0 13cc15 13cc15-Berlin/DE 20210831 19:44 145725.5 DL2AZJ DL Germany 13HN591-Landshut/DE 20210831 19:44 145725.5 DL1ARY DL Germany 13HN591-Landshut/DE 20210831 19:46 145725.5 DO6FJ DL Germany 13HN591-Landshut/DE 20210831 19:50 145725.5 DG2BRT Grüße ins Arzgbirg ;) DL Germany 13HN591-Landshut/DE 20210903 16:07 145276.5 Greif lynx-Wernigerode/DE 20210912 19:44 145438.0 145438.00 kHz alles gute für euch bernd-Neubrandenburg/DE 20210915 14:44 26935.0 Thomas Dennis-Borna/DE 20210923 20:02 145438.0 145438.00 kH hallo, weiter so bernd-Neubrandenburg/DE 20210930 16:10 27395.5 CH39 Gateway benjamin-Eberswalde/DE 20211016 19:41 3645.5 DL0XS DL Germany Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:41 3645.5 DM6AT DL Germany Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:41 3645.5 DJ7TW DL Germany Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:41 3645.5 D01CS Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:42 3655.6 D01RWM Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:42 3655.6 DL8KL DL Germany Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:42 3655.6 DL2FDM DL Germany Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:42 3655.6 DL3ABY DL Germany Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:42 3655.6 DF9ME DL Germany Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:42 3655.6 DD10P DL Germany Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:43 3655.6 DN0UKW DL Germany Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:43 3657.0 DLUA Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:43 3657.0 M7TXR ! G England Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:43 3657.0 DG4OP DL Germany Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:44 3657.0 DF1HPK DL Germany Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211016 19:44 3657.0 DL1AWC DL Germany Delta Lima 4-Burg bei Magdeburg 20211019 20:29 3660.0 DL!HTT dl1htt-Bitterfeld-Wolfen/DE 20211019 20:32 3660.0 DL!HTT dl1htt-Bitterfeld-Wolfen/DE 20211024 20:09 145435.0 145438 leute ihr seit nicht alle auf 14 bernd-Neverin/DE 20211105 12:06 27215.0 TB7BBG ! TA Turkey TB7BBG-Kayseri/TR 20211105 12:31 27586.0 TB7BBG TA Turkey TB7BBG-Kayseri/TR 20211107 10:04 144032.0 ha8mv ! HA Hungary ANONYMOS-Szarvas/HU 20211115 07:33 3704.5 DE3GTE DL Germany Gerald DE3GTE-Bad Segeberg/DE 20211118 07:53 145726.0 DO7UM DL Germany bjoern-Munich/DE 20211127 01:55 27011.5 DL86MR DL Germany DL0CB-Doebeln/DE 20211205 09:41 5955.0 Sunlite Radio PD2NLX-Amsterdam/NL 20211219 18:50 26985.0 ssb-Berlin nichts zu hören??? 13CC15-Berlin/DE 20211230 06:51 3715.0 DO5FDR WCA DL Germany DO5fdr-Ostfildern/DE 20220103 09:08 27396.0 слышно ANONYMOS-Moscow/RU 20220103 10:39 27395.0 f1rgx F France ANONYMOS-Le Creusot/FR 20220107 22:25 3755.0 DC2FB KG7ONB DN35be zer Gut! DL Germany kg7onb-Salmon/US 20220107 22:28 3755.0 dj9xx kg7onb DN35be 5/9 DL Germany kg7onb-Salmon/US 20220109 13:22 27395.0 pa2syt PA Netherlands pa2syt-Amsterdam/NL 20220111 19:22 3795.0 DJ9UN calling DX DL Germany Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220111 19:24 3795.0 DJ9UN calling DX DL Germany Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220111 19:31 3662.0 ON75BN DM_5KM ! ON Belgium Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220111 19:32 3662.0 ON54BN ON Belgium Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220111 19:35 3656.0 HA8ZO ! HA Hungary Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220111 19:48 3703.0 PA5PA with DL1MW PA Netherlands Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220111 19:50 3704.0 ON75CRD QRZ 80m ON Belgium Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220111 19:57 3656.0 ON75ALT ONCRD ON Belgium Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220111 19:58 3656.0 PA5KK 57 PA Netherlands Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220111 20:01 3680.0 E7TT with ON75RSX ! E7 Bosnia-Herzegovi Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220112 18:28 3780.0 OV1CDX calling cq OZ Denmark Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220112 18:53 3703.7 OZ1FDE calling cq 80m OZ Denmark Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220113 18:54 3670.0 ON75GTM 59+ ON Belgium Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220113 18:54 3670.0 9A4AB with ON75GTM ! 9A Croatia Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220113 18:55 3670.0 IN9IJC with ON75GTM I Italy Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220113 18:55 3670.0 HA5MA 59 HA Hungary Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220113 19:26 3704.4 RW2NY calling cq 80 ! UA2 Kaliningrad Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220116 18:00 3760.0 M0SDY with ON75HCC 59 G England Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220116 18:03 3697.0 II3WRTC with PA1NHZ I Italy Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220117 09:46 3660.0 DL7VBJ DL Germany -Berlin/DE 20220118 13:41 439325.0 DO9FA DL Germany Matthias-Ottendorf-Okrilla/DE 20220118 14:25 439112.0 DL3LRH DL Germany Matthias-Ottendorf-Okrilla/DE 20220118 19:28 3770.0 G4SVC with ON75TWS 59 G England Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220118 19:30 3770.0 IW1BNZ with ON75TWS 59 I Italy Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220118 19:36 3785.0 EI0CL with HB9HGH 59+ ! EI Ireland Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220118 19:38 3785.0 H9HGH Daniel ! HP Panama Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220118 19:41 3799.0 4L5O calling cq dx by 59+ ! 4L Georgia Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220118 19:44 3766.8 LX1LC with 4L5O ! LX Luxembourg Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220118 19:46 3765.0 YT8TR calling cq80 ! YU Serbia Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220118 19:48 3773.0 IU5GBQ calling cq 80 m I Italy Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220118 19:52 3785.0 G4WPT with EI0CL 59 G England Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220118 20:54 145725.0 DL2HZJ DL Germany Matthias-Ottendorf-Okrilla/DE 20220119 16:04 3796.0 PE5T 57 PA Netherlands Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220119 16:05 3796.0 SQ7U 58 SP Poland Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220120 19:45 3706.0 M0ULH looking for M0HNH G England Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220122 14:48 3710.0 G9W cq contest 58 G England Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220122 15:46 3753.6 M4T cq contest 55 G England Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220122 15:50 3750.0 PC4AD with M3E contest PA Netherlands Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220126 21:13 3746.0 CT1CTO with F5LIT 59+ very strong signa ! CT Portugal Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220126 22:03 3796.0 PC2T 59+ PA Netherlands Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220126 22:05 3790.0 9A5WA lookling for dx 59+ 9A Croatia Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220126 22:06 3766.0 DK6FX calling 80 m DL Germany Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220126 22:11 3740.0 G1YPG calling cq on 80 58 G England Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220126 22:30 3796.0 K3ZM 58 with YT2KMD ! K United States Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220128 10:21 28300.1 DO4USA QTH USA DL Germany DLBLF1-Grimma/DE 20220128 10:30 28490.0 DO4USA CQ 10 QTH USA DL Germany DLBLF1-Grimma/DE 20220128 10:38 28300.0 DO4USA CQ DX QTH USA calling DO4VK in Q DL Germany DLBLF1-Grimma/DE 20220130 15:53 14231.0 f80411 ! F France f80811 swl-Annonay/FR 20220131 06:27 3995.2 HCJB WA4282SWL-Parrish/US 20220201 19:32 3645.0 UR3WK with ON75GBN ! UR Ukraine Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220201 19:35 3645.0 IV3IOS with ON75GBN I Italy Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220201 19:36 3645.0 RK1Q 59+ UA European Russia Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220201 19:54 3790.0 UG5A calling cq dx UA European Russia Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220201 19:56 3799.0 4L5O calling cq 4L Georgia Andy-Weinbohla/DE 20220215 20:28 145725.0 dg2brt wenn engele reisen ... sehr gut DL Germany Andi-Burgstaedt/DE 20220226 14:29 7156.0 F4KLR ! F France ANONYMOS-Vermelles/FR 20220228 20:37 14172.0 W6kw nice signal ! K United States ND1X-New Milford/US 20220305 16:53 144212.1 ol7c ! OK Czech Republic okl swl-Beroun/CZ 20220310 07:24 27395.0 144400 ok2ras-Pustejov/CZ 20220323 10:12 14183.5 iv3gwx very good job ! I Italy IV3GWX-Trieste/IT 20220327 14:55 3640.0 DL9GDA Warnemünde DL Germany ANONYMOS-Rostock/DE 20220405 11:29 145800.0 iu4qhv ! I Italy IU4QHV-Milan/IT 20220405 19:01 145725.0 dg2br6 Glück auf! DL Germany Andi-Burgstaedt/DE 20220405 22:19 3703.3 w ANONYMOS-Kups/DE 20220406 11:57 145796.8 IU$QHV Listening ISS IU4QHV-Milan/IT 20220416 08:10 27235.0 fra001 FR Reunion fra001-Lorp-Sentaraille/FR 20220419 19:02 145725.0 dg2br6 Wir freuen uns auf Deine Ausfüh DL Germany Andi-Burgstaedt/DE 20220425 16:01 50130.0 F4EAN ! F France F4EAN-Salon-de-Provence/FR 20220425 17:06 50130.0 F4EAN Thank you for this 50 mhz 73' st F France F4EAN-Salon-de-Provence/FR 20220426 18:51 145725.0 dg2br6 alles roger DL Germany Andi-Burgstaedt/DE 20220426 18:53 145725.0 dg2br6 übersteuert DL Germany Andi-Burgstaedt/DE 20220521 20:37 145438.0 ulli und jürg top bernd-Neubrandenburg/DE 20220521 20:38 145438.0 ulli und juerg top bernd-Neubrandenburg/DE 20220603 15:39 27395.0 fra001 hello . . packet ok on 27.235FM FR Reunion fra001-Gembrie/FR 20220610 11:10 50144.9 F6GBH F France F6GBH-Conflans-Sainte-Honorine/ 20220610 16:16 3670.0 WB Kalle26 -Ennigerloh/DE 20220611 15:53 50178.5 F8AIK 73's from F6GBH F France F6GBH-Conflans-Sainte-Honorine/ 20220611 16:51 50095.3 sv3awg ! SV Greece cm sv3awg-Athens/GR 20220613 10:07 27215.6 TEMELREİS TEMELREİS ANONYMOS-Kosekoy/TR 20220614 19:00 145725.0 dg2br6 Glück auf!!! DL Germany Andi-Burgstaedt/DE 20220615 08:39 27395.0 TA1ERC TA Turkey ANONYMOS-Istanbul/TR 20220625 15:34 27356.5 WB Kalle 26 Hallo an alle WB Kalle26-Bochum/DE 20220626 19:51 27215.0 temelreis sdr güzel dinleme yapıyorum TEMELREİS-Istanbul/TR 20220628 07:50 50313.0 BY2 ! BY China ANONYMOS-Ueda/JP 20220702 05:51 50297.5 Wolfgang Wolfgang-Berlin/DE 20220702 19:03 6180.0 14RFR107 ANONYMOS-Poitiers/FR 20220805 22:01 27395.0 13CT1302 Hey ANONYMOS-Kierspe/DE 20220810 13:24 27395.0 IV3FPS ANONYMOS-Milan/IT 20220825 16:39 3640.0 dj5li DL Germany khral-Chemnitz/DE 20220825 18:41 3638.0 dm2ft DL Germany khral-Chemnitz/DE 20220825 18:41 3638.0 dg7fg DL Germany khral-Chemnitz/DE 20220827 12:04 144250.1 dl0htw DL Germany khral-Chemnitz/DE 20220827 12:06 144250.1 DL1LRI CONTEST DL Germany khral-Chemnitz/DE 20220827 12:14 144250.3 DL0HTW RICO CONTEST DL Germany khral-Chemnitz/DE 20220829 15:54 438575.0 DB0BLA repeater DL Germany MArtian-Liberec/CZ 20220829 15:58 439350.4 DB0FTB Repeater DL Germany MArtian-Liberec/CZ 20220903 07:20 438925.0 DB0LBH DL Germany MArtian-null/null 20220903 18:59 144300.0 OL1R Contest OK Czech Republic Martian-Liberec/CZ 20220904 04:59 144316.3 OL4N Contest OK Czech Republic Martian-Liberec/CZ 20220904 05:02 144264.7 DA2X Contest DL Germany Martian-Liberec/CZ 20220904 05:04 144180.1 SN7L Contest ! SP Poland Martian-Liberec/CZ 20220904 05:07 144211.0 OL80WPN Contest OK Czech Republic Martian-Liberec/CZ 20220904 05:09 144245.1 DA0DD Contest DL Germany Martian-Liberec/CZ 20220904 05:10 144253.9 OL7M Contest OK Czech Republic Martian-Liberec/CZ 20220909 08:01 144725.0 dh7js DL Germany swlk-Chemnitz/DE 20220911 16:16 439325.5 dg0cfr/p 39 DL Germany khral-Chemnitz/DE 20220911 16:21 439325.5 do9btk 49 DL Germany khral-Chemnitz/DE 20220912 20:12 3683.0 dl6uhu cottbus DL Germany swlk-Chemnitz/DE 20220912 20:15 3683.1 dj8uhu DL Germany swlk-Chemnitz/DE 20220912 20:39 3683.0 dk5yy DL Germany swlk-Chemnitz/DE 20220912 20:40 3683.0 dl5rw DL Germany swlk-Chemnitz/DE 20220912 20:40 3683.0 dd6yr DL Germany swlk-Chemnitz/DE 20220912 20:41 3683.0 dg6ed DL Germany swlk-Chemnitz/DE 20220912 20:42 3683.0 oe7hpj ! OE Austria swlk-Chemnitz/DE 20220912 20:44 3683.0 dg9act DL Germany swlk-Chemnitz/DE 20220914 13:38 27395.5 unbekannt schwach hörbar u.a. auch auf 27 khral-Chemnitz/DE 20220914 17:18 438708.0 Dl8wnm DL Germany DL8WNM-Frankfurt am Main/DE 20220914 17:22 27395.0 dg0mg DL Germany DB0ERZ-Hamburg/DE 20220914 17:47 144649.1 DL8WNM Transponder DL Germany DL8WNM-Frankfurt am Main/DE 20221015 10:46 27200.0 12 66-Riga/LV 20221024 16:55 27332.6 de de-Berlin/DE 20221027 04:09 27395.0 ok2by ! OK Czech Republic ok2by-Domazlice/CZ 20221028 12:54 3773.0 OK1TGP/p OK Czech Republic Martian-Liberec/CZ 20221028 12:55 3773.0 OK1AGH OK Czech Republic Martian-Liberec/CZ 20221028 13:00 3773.0 OK1CQ Good signal OK Czech Republic Martian-Liberec/CZ 20221031 18:23 439324.8 DB0HSB DARC Übertragung DL Germany sexmaster-Dresden/DE 20221106 20:52 999.0 999 better than last days Born-Oberthal/DE 20221113 17:56 27395.0 13AC1 funknetzdeutschland.ddnsking.com 13ac1-Mettingen/DE 20221119 08:12 27395.0 btc21 buy bitcoin BY China btc21-Amsterdam/NL 20221120 08:30 27215.0 Korkmaz Ali ANONYMOS-Diyarbak/TR 20221122 08:41 6070.0 darc Ozeniv60-Bologna/IT 20221204 18:32 144725.0 DG5HDL Guten Abend! DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221204 18:37 144725.0 DL2LUX Guten Abend, Andreas DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221204 18:42 144725.0 DL1FLW Guten Abend DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221204 18:42 144725.0 DB7KK Guten Abend DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221204 18:43 144725.0 DL3LSC Guten Abend! DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221204 19:02 438787.0 DL3LNL DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221220 16:45 144600.0 DO9AJH DL Germany 13CT4272 Ralf JO61FI-Leipzig/DE 20221220 16:52 144600.0 DK5CQ gutes Signal DL Germany 13CT4272 Ralf JO61FI-Leipzig/DE 20221220 19:59 438930.6 DL8WQQ Guten Abend Dieter DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221220 20:04 145725.0 DM3MG DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221220 20:04 145725.0 DM1DE DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221220 20:15 145725.0 DL0AUE Guten Abend in die Erzgebirgsrun DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221220 20:27 145725.0 DG0WOT DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221220 20:29 145725.0 DO6FJ DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221220 20:29 145725.0 DO4HWK DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221220 20:31 145725.0 DK1SJ DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221220 20:33 145725.0 DL2AZJ DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221220 20:35 145725.0 DO1CLJ S9 +20 DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221220 20:39 145725.0 DL1LSH DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221220 20:44 145725.0 DL1LSJ DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221220 20:45 145725.0 DL1LSN Korrektur DL Germany 13CT4272-Leipzig/DE 20221225 00:25 3680.0 YL2GB ! YL Latvia Boo-Poznan/PL 20221229 22:18 27555.0 Delta 01 Test Delta 01-Dortmund/DE 20221229 22:27 27555.0 Delta 01 Hallo lieber CBOMTL ... leider k Delta 01-Dortmund/DE 20221229 22:31 27555.0 Delta 01 Deine SQ geht immer wieder auf ! Delta 01-Dortmund/DE 20221229 22:45 27555.0 Delta 01 Alle fünf sek. geht die SQ auf Delta 01-Dortmund/DE 20221229 23:10 27395.0 Delta 01 Bitte SQ auf S 1.5 einstellen Delta 01-Dortmund/DE 20221229 23:12 27395.0 Delta 01 Kann hier SQ nicht , nix machen Delta 01-Dortmund/DE 20221229 23:15 27395.0 Delta 01 oder vieleicht RF etwas runter ! Delta 01-Dortmund/DE 20221229 23:34 27395.0 Delta 01 Bitte dein SQ weiter zumachen .. Delta 01-Dortmund/DE 20221229 23:35 27395.0 Delta 01 danke lieber sdr OM ... Delta 01-Dortmund/DE 20230111 13:47 27555.0 Delta 01 DSP : Filter-Test ! Delta 01-Bochum/DE 20230117 14:13 27394.9 ri1mtl ! UA European Russia ri1mtl-Leipzig/DE 20230123 19:07 27295.0 E25SIL 73 ! HS Thailand E25SIL-Bangkok/TH 20230126 06:33 27395.0 ric001 UA European Russia ri1mtl-Leipzig/DE 20230129 14:16 144500.0 sp6zhp-13 sp2u-Wejherowo/PL 20230204 17:19 27235.0 fra001 FR Reunion FRA001-Lavernose-Lacasse/FR 20230216 12:44 27395.0 Info https://do7hjk.de/htdocs/websdr. Info-Dorsten/DE 20230216 12:45 27395.0 Info //do7hjk.de/htdocs/websdr.html Info-Dorsten/DE 20230606 14:37 26816.5 Leipzig grüna spatz-Neunkirchen/DE 20230811 17:08 27395.0 27215Mhz 27215 ANONYMOS-Dortmund/DE 20230811 19:30 26765.0 3633 3633 ANONYMOS-Dortmund/DE 20230905 19:17 27502.0 ?? some russians talking pikloftor3000-Teplice/CZ 20231114 22:27 27394.9 Hans aus Bayer Hans Beppe aus Bayern-Thanstein 20231119 08:51 27395.0 uwe uwe-Kölleda/DE 20231222 09:53 27303.1 DM5mu DL Germany dm5mu-Leipzig/DE 20240214 14:22 27245.0 OM4ML ! OM Slovakia om4ml-Brezno/SK 20240305 07:43 27244.9 13RF029 @ JS8 13sl711-Berlin/DE 20240501 04:47 7164.0 lz1jy 49 ! LZ Bulgaria DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240501 04:55 7192.0 f4ivv 39 F France DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240501 05:22 3790.0 oe6z 59 OE Austria DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240520 13:00 50170.1 OH6QU Sporadic-E ! OH Finland Didi-Ulm/DE 20240520 13:00 50170.1 OH4UI Sporadic-E OH Finland Didi-Ulm/DE 20240522 13:40 7170.0 OV1CDX 58 ! OZ Denmark DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240522 13:44 7170.0 PD7MVZ 58 ! PA Netherlands DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240523 08:49 7197.0 dl8bn 59 DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240523 08:52 7197.0 dj5gr 46 DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240523 08:53 7197.0 dj5er DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240523 08:58 7197.0 dj5er DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240523 08:59 7197.0 dk6ae DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240523 09:00 7197.0 dk6ae 47 DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240523 09:05 7197.0 DL8BN 59 DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240523 09:19 7197.0 HB9FLU 47 ! HB Switzerland DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240523 09:35 7171.0 DC5VU 47 DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240523 13:35 7126.0 DK6UW 47 DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240523 13:39 7126.0 DJ4CH 26 DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240526 14:41 7144.5 dl4jmn 57 DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240526 14:44 7144.5 dl5dtl 57 DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240526 14:45 7144.5 DL3YL 57 – Gudrun, FF a.M. DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240526 14:48 7144.5 DL5BL 27 DL Germany DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240526 14:52 7170.0 IV3ZEW 59 cln cq I Italy DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240530 06:08 7130.0 on4enl 59 ! ON Belgium DM8ZKO-Chemnitz/DE 20240629 19:28 3955.0 Chinese, DEUTS keine genaue Senderbezeichnu rembrandtius-Dresden/DE 20240704 15:33 739804.5 mx0hjs ! G England xyz-Pottenstein/DE 20240803 16:21 27700.0 Dad690 Dad690 DL Germany ANONYMOS-Munich/DE 20240804 09:36 144211.0 Ol7c OK Czech Republic DB2OO-Langen/DE 20240821 14:24 4625.0 4625 The Buzzer - UVB-76 mmm-Algiers/DZ 20240921 16:15 145681.5 F6HFY 73 ! F France F6HFY-Serres-Castet/FR 20240922 15:21 7200.0 Qc Hello qc-Sainte-Cécile-de-Masham/CA 20240924 06:15 7200.0 13hs3871 guten morgen an alle und 73 13hs3871-Salzwedel/DE 20241002 05:47 7200.0 13hs3871 guten morgen 13hs3871-Salzwedel/DE 20241016 19:45 27729.2 hallo ANONYMOS-Grossoerner/DE 20241024 18:46 6160.0 Radio Gold SP2BOO-Poznan/PL 20241120 16:32 26975.0 OE3LFN ANONYMOS-Waidhofen an der Thaya 20241127 16:21 3660.0 dl4zbx DL Germany -Limburg an der Lahn/DE 20241207 21:06 3660.0 on8sga ON Belgium ANONYMOS-Maasmechelen/BE 20241209 11:05 145803.5 OR4ISS School contact with Poland ! ON Belgium dl9set-Dortmund/DE 20250203 10:45 4625.0 Приём п Я на связи ANONYMOS-Moscow/RU